This blog post was originally intended to be posted in June 2014: I’ve finally gotten around to completing my reading about the April 2014 changes to RDA. As is the case with reading the details of any descriptive cataloging standard, it’s enough to either give you a headache or put you to sleep if you try to focus on too much of the detail at once. I do have a few comments to make about this update. First of all, many of the changes are, in my mind, just clarification of the points which help to bring metadata creation away from the world of trying to fit as much information as possible onto a little index card and into a complex international information environment. For example, it is reinforced that for serials you don’t assume that users understand that “v.” stands for volume. Instead, volume should be spelled out as such as should issue. This does make sense in an international, multicultural and multi-generational environment. C...
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