Training and Professional Development Opportunities

Today’s post contains various training and PD opportunities which management and individuals from SRDC have asked me to share with you.

For Nanopore users

Oxford has moved this year’s London Calling event online – it will be free to attend, open to all and you can register your interest here.

JoVE videos

The following is a snip from a promotional email message from JoVE:

JoVE has received an incredible response to our offer of free JoVE Education resources to support remote learning initiatives globally. Whether you have taken us up on this offer already or plan to, we wanted to make you aware of new and additional content available to you.
We have fast tracked our planned content releases to add even more videos to JoVE Education:
· Additional JoVE Core Biology videos including Plant Biology - a new unit of 3 chapters focused on Plant Biology is being introduced alongside additional videos in Core Biology. Teach scientific fundamentals with this video library of simple, easy-to-understand video demonstrations.*Available Now*ff
· JoVE Core Social Psychology - isolate key concepts and bring the foundations of our social world to life. This video textbook can be used as a primary teaching resource or it can supplement other teaching materials. ​​​​​*Available Now*
· ​​​​​Lab Manual Chemistry - bring the lab home with comprehensive, curriculum-focused videos for introductory chemistry lab courses. *Available March 30th*
To set yourself up with free access to JoVE Education through June 15th, please simply create an account and you’ll be on your way.

All of the JoVE content your institution has access to is fully accessible off-campus in a variety of ways that enable remote access. Need more help? Speak with our customer service team now about how to get your or your faculty’s classes setup.



Learning French and other video content of interest

These suggestions by Axel Diederichsen were previously shared with PGRC but are likely of interest to all AAFC:'
In case you want to check out some French in the work hours at home, I share below some resources I use steadily with great benefit:

This serial « Francaise avec Pierre » is for not so hard and very well done :

A very correct, very sharp person, with advice for all areas of life, including French, is Monsieur Johan Tekfak:

Paul Taylor is not 100% French and I should perhaps not share this one. It is not for work hours:

And here you have a choice of programmes with excellent quality in six languages! Many are not accessible from Canada, but several are. A taste of Europe, all for free :

My absolute favorite, and a must for AAFC :

Very good but very advanced :

And these series with history documentaries of which I watched already two thirds. It is addictive. They are very well done:

Here is one more for the French, very useful and made in Canada:


  1. Here's another related article from Nature that discusses doing scientific work when working from home.


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