Artificial Intelligence, machine learning and deep learning

Artificial Intelligence, machine learning and deep learning

Today’s post contains resources on the topics of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and deep learning.  These topics may be of interest because they are increasingly present in data science and are the basis of many of the technologies which are being used in precision agriculture.
As with the previous list of courses and videos, this is a list of suggestions rather than an exhaustive list of recommended classes.   You may wish to search around on any of the listed platforms for courses best suited to your preferences, interests and learning needs.
Regarding the Coursera platform, I avoided including “premium content” in this list.  “Premium content” are those courses for which a “7 day preview” is offered instead of the free “audit” option.  If you prefer premium content, the search engine built into Coursera can be useful in finding these classes.  Please let me know if you require assistance in locating the search engine and/or the classes you prefer.
 If you require information regarding how to get access to LinkedIn Learning videos, I recommend that you refer to the previous post  Even if you don’t have a LinkedIn Learning account via AAFC, you may be able to watch may of the videos through a public library or U of S Learning account.

LinkedIn Learning



Machine Learning 56 hrs (this is Coursera’s original free MOOC)



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