Metadata Update #12 : Bibliographic Framework

There has been a lot of talk in recent years about what is going to happen with MARC.  We know that MARC works great for libraries and it has been around for a long time.  We also know that it doesn't actually fit into today's world of computing and the Internet.

For about the last year or so, the Library of Congress has been looking seriously at the development of something that will not only replace MARC but go beyond it.  The URL that I've attached is for their new propose framework they call BIBFRAME.  Here is the paper if you'd like to read it:

Just as with RDA, I think that the cataloguing/metadata world is on the brink of really big, exciting and important changes.  I think that this is another development which is worth following. 

I had a quick reading over of the paper but I want to sit down and read it more carefully - for sure before I pick my ALA Mid-winter sessions.  What I read so far makes me think that if this is something that could be implemented along with RDA, libraries would truly be revolutionized.


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