
Showing posts from August, 2017

Metadata update # 36: What Makes a Great Leader

As happens with this blog from time to time, I have been away from posting for a while.  The reasons are many.  I was thinking about all of the interesting and supportive email I got last year and it reminded me that people do read this blog - at least sometimes.  Given that I'm not in a position at the moment to write posts like I used-to, maybe I can at least write short ones. Today I am reflecting on the issue of leadership in cataloguing and metadata and perhaps leadership in libraries in general.  There is no question that our discipline and sub-discipline, if you wish to call it that, is undergoing significant change.  It occurs to me that those working in cataloguing and metadata positions need to be leaders and to be supported by good leaders. An article on "great bosses" written by someone called Matt Mover came through my mailbox from LinkedIn and it struck me as a perfect place to begin my own reflection on the issue of leaders...