
Showing posts from July, 2016

Metadata Update #34 - Remembering Mac Elrod and a Life-Long Love of Cataloguing

For the last few months my blog has taken some different twists and turns.   In reality, I have felt quite overwhelmed by my workload and other aspects of my personal life that it has been a challenge for me to focus on the types of things I would typically write about in this blog.   In fact, some days it’s hard to concentrate on anything at all.   The recent passing of well-known cataloguer Mac Elrod has lead me to do more reflection on how what we write online can be read by more people than we could ever imagine and can impact individuals and the profession in ways that we will never know.   I have also spent some time wondering about why it is that some people carry such a deep interest and love for their work which even advanced age and failing eyesight have difficulty diminishing. For those who follow any of the many cataloguing and metadata listservs, the name Mac Elrod will likely be at least familiar.   Years ago I followed the famous/infamous “...